About us


We are Jesus centered

Perry Community Church believes that life has neither purpose nor direction without recognizing the gift offered to mankind when Jesus died on the cross; offering a forgiveness for our disobedience and rebellion against God.  We at Perry Community Church want everything that we do and commit our resources towards to be reflective of what Jesus did for us.   

We are Bible focused

Perry Community Church believes that there is only one narrative that God, under His own authority, has given mankind by which we are able to understand our Creator and the means in which we are able to have a right relationship with Him.

We are prayer dependent

Perry Community Church believes that prayer is vital to the health and growth of the church (both individually and corporately).  
Prayer is  how we are able to actively communicate with God voicing our dependence on Him for guidance and direction towards His will and purpose for our lives.

We are people serving

Perry Community Church believes that we are called to serve others out of a selfless love that points people to the love that Jesus has for them. 
We want to be a resource for our community and a place where individuals from all walks of life and backgrounds will feel welcomed with open arms and opened hearts.

Our Larger Church Family

We are a part of a larger movement of the Christian and Missionary Alliance and hold the principle doctrines that Jesus is: Our Savior, Our Sanctifier, Our Healer, and Our Coming King

Our Savior

We proclaim Jesus as the only way to a right and restored relationship
with God. Jesus’ death on the cross provided a “once for all” and
“One for all” substitution in which God leveled His wrath for us
against His Son so we can have complete forgiveness.

Our Sanctifier

We proclaim Jesus as the only means of pursuing the life of Holiness that God has called us to have. We are not only saved by grace but continue in grace as we rely on the work of the Holy Spirit to live a life that God is not ashamed to see.

Our Healer

We proclaim that Jesus’ name has power to provide physical, emotional, and mental healing as a testimony of the perfect, unblemished, and sinless bodies we will receive at our resurrection.

Our Coming King

We proclaim that Jesus will come again and reign on Earth as a literal and physical King. Jesus will defeat and dethrone Satan who, along with all who rejected Jesus, will be judged under the everlasting wrath of God. Those who are in Jesus will live forever under His continual reign on a new Earth that is free from sin, death, and corruption.